Smartwool socks are the warm wool socks that aren't itchy or boring. They're comfy, breathable, fun, and warm warm warm socks to keep your toes cozy through long, cold winters. They're high performance socks to help you do your best even when it's cold out. You don't have to sacrifice comfort or style to have warmth - you can have it all with these Smartwool socks. We carry a nice selection of their sock line including Smartwool Ski and Snowboard socks with extra special padding and cushioning because Patty wanted them for her snowboarding trips to Big Bear and the extra special padded socks for my aunt Karen who swears they make her 3 hour walks with her wonderful dog Mac a breeze on her feet.
Why Smartwool?
They aren't your ordinary pair of wool socks my friends.
SmartWool is said to be the most comfortable fiber you can put against your skin.
It is a natural fiber that manages moisture, regulates body temperature and stays odor free! No stink wool socks, can you beat that?
On top of that, Smartwool Socks are No Shrink wool!
Their "4-Degree Banded Fit System" leverages technology used in today's athletic footwear to raise fit, feel and performance to amazing levels.
Did you know that Smartwool Socks are No Itch wool?
The combination of the smart technology they apply and the fine wool ffiber diameter gives SmartWool a light and airy feel. No itch-causing (high micron) fibers make the cut.
Smartwool Socks are Durable!
While these socks may seem a little pricey at first, they last longer and better than ordinary socks. Specially made to last.
And Last But Not Least, Smartwool socks have 4 Season Functionality!
Every season's a Smartwool season.
The PhD Ski Light knee high sock includes a light-cushioned shin and sole.
Smartwool PHD SKI LT Solid Color Knee High Socks GRAPHITE/ROYAL
This solid color ski sock in Graphite trimmed with Royal Blue has light cushioning in the shin and heel.
The Smartwool Ski Medium knee high sock has medium cushioning in the shin and foot.
This page's results are filtered by (Knee High / Knee Socks). Click here to see all lengths / styles