We want your socks.
We travel far and wide to find really amazing products for our sock shop, ok, so far to Magic in Vegas, the world-wide-web, and Japan, but we're heading out again pretty soon too, and we're always looking out for more!
we know that the cheapest way to make a whole bunch of stuff is to send a pattern off to China or something. We will sell a whole bunch of your stuff, but we'd rather you bring us original and whimsical or fashionable designs, very well made. While we might have sales sometimes, we aren't a discount mart; bring us your "A Game" products only please.
So focus on quality, and an artisan's pride. You can have just a few hand made items (well, we'd prefer at least 20 of something so we can cover the person time cost of making your category and getting the word out about your amazing socks or stocking or leg warmers.)
We don't need an exclusive contract, but if you're selling your goods in several places, we do hope you'll make sure you have enough to go around ;)
Business is a trust kind of thang, that requires rules to make things work best for all involved.
We try to keep a stock of everything we have online, and aren't considering drop-shipping at this time. We can either buy a sample lot of your items, or keep them on a consignment base and pay you what you want for what we sell.
Email us a link to a web gallery of your products or a link to a pdf file at designers(at mark)artisansocks.com. Please don't send email with attachment files, we generally delete those for safety. You can also call us Monday through Friday at 1.888.34.SOCKS (1.888.347.6257) between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST to talk about socks :)
XOXOXO Sock Diva L.